Sleepless nights and guilt
The last two days have been crazy. I should say, my 9-month-old has been crazy. He’s been completely off his rocker. After two weeks of sleeping well, the last two nights he’s been waking up after two hours of sleep, crying, fussy and unwilling to go back to sleep. I’ve tried all the online tips I’ve seen on babycenter, the bump and other sites. We changed his diaper, fed him, held him, rocked him, cradled him, gave him his favorite toys, let him crawl around… we tried everything. Regardless whether I was holding him or not, he continued to scream and cry. Needless to say, I’m exhausted and have dark…
Product Review: Gerber Baby Bottles
Since we’ve tried three different bottles already, we decided to try out a different baby bottle in search for easier cleaning, so we picked up a 3-pack of Gerber First Essential baby bottles from Target. These bottles are pretty simple – only four pieces: Cap Ring Nipple Bottle At $2.99 for a 3-pack they’re a pretty good deal. Or you can buy the individual bottle for $0.99. Here are some specs: There are vents on the nipple to help reduce air BPA-free Available in 9oz & 5oz capacity Dishwasher safe When lil man is drinking, you can hear the air vent working and see bubbles float away from the nipple…
Product Review: Playtex Baby Bottles
We’ve tried two different baby bottles so far: Dr. Brown and People’s Choice. Since we weren’t happy with these two bottles, we’re still on a quest to find the perfect baby bottle. This week we decided to try Playtex VentAire bottles. You can purchase a 9oz 3-pack for about $12.89. Like the Dr. Brown bottles, there are several pieces: Top cap Ring Nipple Bottle Bottom cap Plastic vent disc The bottle vents well. Not sure if this is because of the design – they are angled or only due to the plastic vent piece. Because the bottom cap comes off the bottle, it’s pretty easy to wash. The bottle won’t…
Product Review: Dr. Brown baby bottles
One of the things we registered for on our baby registry was Dr. Brown baby bottles. We chose Dr. Brown baby bottles because a few of my friends said they really liked them and because all the reviews we read online said great things. In particular that their baby bottles helps reduce feeding problems like colic and gas. Now that we’ve been using them for about a month, I wanted to share my thoughts on them. The ones we have are the 8oz polypropylene bottles – standard not wide and not glass. The first thing you need to know about Dr. Brown baby bottles is that there are a lot…
Pregnancy week 34
I’m on my last day of week 34th of my pregnancy, which means I’m six weeks away from my due date. Everyone said that my third trimester would stink and said how hard it would be. But so far, my third trimester has been my best. Yes, I’m tired a lot and feel as though I can’t get enough sleep. Yes, I can’t seem to control my bladder. Yes, I’m feeling the baby more now that he’s growing about a 1lb every two weeks and he loves to kick my ribs. Yes, I’m getting more short of breath when I walk. BUT, none of this can beat my fractured tailbone…
What is Motherhood?
A lot of people say that you don’t know what motherhood is until you have your own. I have to disagree because I’ve helped raise quite a few kids in my time. And while I don’t have to be financially responsible for these children that I’ve helped to raise, I know that I have helped their parents look for pre-schools, day cares, high schools and other important things in their lives. I’ve changed their diapers. Helped feed them. Helped clothe them. I’ve rocked them to sleep during the day and at night as they were growing up. I’ve witnessed their “firsts” – first steps, first words, first birthdays, first days…
Pregnancy Things Progress
Just hit my 29th week of pregnancy which leaves me 12 weeks to my expected due date. So many things have happened in the last couple of weeks with my pregnancy. Went in for our monthly check up and what can I say? Why is it that I can never leave the doctor’s office with only good news? My doctor informed me that I failed my glucose test which means I could be diabetic, but he told me he wouldn’t make me take the 3-hour exam because I don’t have any family history of having diabetes. That was until I got weighed. I weighed in at 138lbs… marking me as…
Down Syndrome
It’s week 24 of my pregnancy and I recently received the results of my week 20 anatomy ultrasound exam. With each exam, my ratio risk for having a down syndrome baby increases. One wonders why a 31-year-old woman would have such a risk, but it seems while my vitals are all perfect when I complete my exams for me (test results for blood pressure, diabetes, etc), it seems my body doesn’t want to agree with them. Before I took my week 11 exam, my risk for down syndrome was at about 1/575 – they gave this ratio to me based on the average ratio that women my age have in…
Just for Kicks
I’m ending my 18th week of pregnancy tomorrow. While it seems quick, I feel it also went by slowly. It’s an odd sensation to feel like time is going too slowly but at the same time I’m surprised I’ve progressed this far. Everyone has been asking whether I’ve felt the baby kick yet and up until this morning I’ve felt nothing. Late last night (early this morning around 3am), I started feeling the baby kick. The baby is very fond of kicking my bladder. It seems our baby will be active at night mostly… so I’m not looking forward to that after birth, but hopefully it will change. We shall…
Latest Pregnancy Escapade: Constipation & It’s Effect
To add to my life of complications during pregnancy, I’ve recently injured myself on Monday during this week 18 of my pregnancy. This after not needing to vomit for the last two weeks I thought I was in the clear. But leave it to me … the accident prone person… to have more issues to worry about. I’ve been rather constipated from the pregnancy the last two weeks and was in the bathroom on Monday afternoon. While I was attempting to go to the bathroom, I heard and felt a popping noise coming from my bottom. I knew immediately it was my tailbone because I’ve injured it twice before, but…