Review: The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep
A few weeks ago, I was selected to a read and review “The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep” by Harvey Karp, M.D. via the One2One Network. While my youngest began sleeping eight hour nights at two months, I signed up for the opportunity because we’re in the process of transitioning her into the crib so I thought it would be good to read up on some sleep training techniques from the beginning of the process. I was pretty excited to receive my copy from Harper Collins. And for the legalese – I didn’t received compensation for this. But I just realized I will be entered into a drawing for a free…
What to Expect When You’re Pregnant: The Things They Don’t Tell You
You’re expecting. Congratulations! Looking forward to your baby glow, picking things out for the nursery, buying baby clothes, putting together your registry, and the lovely bigger boobs everyone talks about. Those are all great things about pregnancy everyone tells you about. But, what about all the other stuff – the yucky stuff? Let me shed some light on the dark side of pregnancy for you. Here’s a list of the things they didn’t tell you to expect during pregnancy. You will feel fat. You’ll feel fat while your husband tells you you’re beautiful (because you are really beautiful as all pregnant women are). Just be prepared to get that “I’m…
New Graco SnugRide® Click Connect™ 40 Carseat Launching at Babies R Us
It’s Saturday! I hardly ever post on Saturdays, but I’m excited today about this event I’m attending at Babies R Us. If you’re on Twitter you’ve probably already heard about this event. Graco is hosting their #GracoSafety event in multiple cities today to launch their newest SnugRide carseat and I’m attending the one in Totowa. I currently have the Graco SnugRide 35. We purchased it in 2010 for our lil man and are now using it for lil lady. So when I saw this event for the new SnugRide® Click Connect™ 40, I really wanted to see it first hand. Oh! And by the way, I wasn’t asked to post…
My Newborn has a Milk Protein Allergy
Earlier this week, I wrote about my newborn having bloody mucus in her stool and the possibility that it was a milk protein allergy. You can read about that here. Yesterday, she still had the bloody mucus in the stool. It was a lot less than earlier in the week after changing her formula to similac alimentum, but nonetheless, we had to head to the pediatrician. I brought along a stool sample for them to test. The pediatrician put some of the “clean” stool onto a card to test if blood was it in & it was positive. We also discussed the possibility of her reacting to the large amounts…
My Newborn has a Bloody Mucus Stool
The title sounds great doesn’t it? Lil lady had a bloody mucus stool all weekend. She doesn’t have any other symptoms. She’s not fussy and not gassy. She wakes for feedings and feeds without issue. We called the pediatrician on Sunday and they think she’s allergic to milk protein. To err on the safe side, the pediatrician changed our formula to Similac Alimentum. The same day that started, I developed this terrible cough. My family & elders think it’s because I ate too much ginger due to my Chinese post pregnancy diet which then passed to lil lady in breast milk. Plus I also drank milk all week because when…
Fast & Furious: Delivering My Second Baby & the Labor Involved
Yep, our lil lady arrived early at Week 38 and boy was it fast and furious! She arrived on August 22, 2012. Contractions began 1:50am at 15 minutes apart Spoke to my OBGYN at 215am just to let him know I started contractions, he said to wait til 8/9min apart so I wouldn’t get sent home in case the contractions stopped Within the hour I was at 2/3min It was that quick and I didn’t expect it to progress to fast. I called my mom to come over to stay with lil man to get her going then woke my hubs up. It took us 30min to get into the…
Breeched Birth – Baby Position
Been feeling like lil lady is literally sitting at the bottom of my belly on top of my bladder lately. Went to the doc today and he confirmed she is in fact standing upright aka “breeched”. Some who have babies in this position close to their due date end up having a C-section because it’s not as easy to give birth to a baby legs first. But, my doctor says not to worry – we still have 3 months after all. So, I’m hoping for the best and that in the next three months she’ll turn around to the proper position for a natural birth. For those who’d like more…
What Does an Amniocentesis do for You?
Earlier this month, I went in for an amniocentesis aka amnio. We didn’t have one done when we were pregnant with lil man, but after two rounds of initial test results from an ultrasound and bloodwork, our OBGYN recommended it for lil lady. Our down syndrome risk was 1 out of 63. Lil man was only 1 out of 316 or so. Even at 1 out of 63, it’s a 2% risk, but my OBGYN was concerned about our labor. Should the baby have down syndrome, it would be good to know in case we have complications during our labor. So, we elected to have the amnio done. Besides down…
Product Review: Bib’expresso Formula Maker
A few months ago, I joined the Clever Girls Collective, a network connecting bloggers with brands. Through this network, I was given an opportunity to review the Bib’expresso, provided to me free by Béaba. As with all my reviews, this review is my own opinion and I uphold my values of honesty and unbias. In fact, the Clever Girls Collective highly encourages us to write honestly, and the Collective, Béaba and I promote Blog with Integrity. So, on to the review – the Bib’expresso. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a formula maker, bottle warmer, sterilizer all-in-one. To give an idea about the product and it’s size, I’m took photos of it…
Music for baby: Yanni’s Truth of Touch
I’m always on the look out for new music for myself and for Lil Man. So, when I had the opportunity to get a complimentary copy of Yanni’s new album Truth of Touch – I took it. Yanni? For my baby? Yes, that’s right. The first name that comes to mind when looking for music for your baby is probably Baby Einstein. In their list of music you have a variety of classics like Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. I listen to these also and have a few CDs and DVDs from Baby Einstein also. The Lil Man loves them. But, I think as parents we need to think outside the…