About Me

A little About Me

I'm Rita and most people know me as Yippy Momma.

I'm a mom, wife, photographer, business owner, consultant & writer.

I enjoy many things including spending time with family and friends, photography, crafting, in-line skating, bowling, dancing, trying new things, traveling, reading, yoga and volunteering just to name a few. Notice shopping isn't on this list... I'm not a big shopper, but I'm always up for a day at the mall with friends.

This blog first began as an outlet for me to write my thoughts in an online journal. As I continued to share my story with friends, I discovered by giving myself this outlet, I've also helped people who've felt helpless or alone from time to time during their life journey. Together we have found kindred spirits.


Currently mom to one lil man, one lil lady, one lil mister and wife to my hubs. It took us four years to have our first little miracle and it was worth the wait. Followed by our second one two years later. I've also helped raise my younger cousins since they were babies and helped to care for my nephew since he was three. So, I've been around the block with diapers, throw up, choosing day cares, homework, junior high and high school drama, boyfriends, girlfriends, mediator between parents and kids, choosing colleges, figuring out class schedules and everything else that comes along with the Life of "We".
