Photo Friday: The Beauty of a Sunrise
I do love my Fridays. It basically means hubs will be home the entire weekend for family time because during the week it just gets crazy sometimes. Sometimes all I need is a breath of fresh air to clear my mind up and keep things calm. To do this, I love being in nature. I haven’t really had the chance to enjoy the outdoors much this year, but I do love going through photos to remember and enjoy the moment. Last week, we gave you a Yellowstone National Park sunset, today for Photo Friday, we give you a wonderful sunrise. Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend with your family.
Photo Friday: Yellowstone National Park Sunset
Friday is finally here! This Photo Friday, I give you a sunset from Yellowstone National Park. Absolutely breathtaking to watch the sunset there. Hubs and I had to find a spot to pullover and decided to sit and watch the sun go down. Definitely recommended it because too often in life, we run around busy with minding things and forget to just sit and enjoy nature… it’s beauty… it’s wonder… just relax and enjoy the moment. Happy Friday!
Photo Friday: Finding the Color in Nature
Sometimes, things can feel high and others low. Beautiful days can seem infinitely gloomy. Life can seem glum and pointless. I know, I’ve been there many times. But, when things are low, one needs to remember to seek the things that will lift you back up. It’s often very hard to see anything but clouds and gray when you’re down, but one must try. Only after trying your best to see the light will you see the beauty of life. So, this Photo Friday, I leave you with this image and hope that whenever you feel down or lost – you’ll look and search through the darkness and find the one…
Productive Month of June
June proved to be a very productive month for me. I was able to blog regularly. I managed a lot of production time for the Yippy BeBe shop. Spent time with lil man and family. All-in-all, a great month. I’m hoping July will prove to be the same… hoping I’ll be able to keep up with my brain and my to do lists. I felt extremely tired this past week. I guess the key two days good nights sleep is to not sleep for three weeks – or only catch 2-3 hours of sleep a night. Which leads me to my insomnia … insomnia during pregnancy simply stinks. You’re constantly…
Breeched Birth – Baby Position
Been feeling like lil lady is literally sitting at the bottom of my belly on top of my bladder lately. Went to the doc today and he confirmed she is in fact standing upright aka “breeched”. Some who have babies in this position close to their due date end up having a C-section because it’s not as easy to give birth to a baby legs first. But, my doctor says not to worry – we still have 3 months after all. So, I’m hoping for the best and that in the next three months she’ll turn around to the proper position for a natural birth. For those who’d like more…
Focus or Lack Thereof
Yesterday I wrote about rethinking, rebooting and regearing my priorities. This afternoon I was reading and a small piece of the puzzle came into focus. I want to do everything, but have no real focus. The first being this blog. My writing is everywhere isn’t it? I’m wondering if this is good or bad. But the main problem is there’s no true “meat” to my writing. Although I started this blog as a way to share with my extended family and friends about life, my son and what comes to mind, I also want this blog to be more than a diary. I want it to be informative not simply…
Rethink, Reboot, Regear
I’ve been thinking a lot about my life these days. With a toddler at home and another baby on the way, I’m rethinking what I want to do and where I want to be. What are my short term goals? What about long term? It’s a bit up in the air even though I have so many things going on. I know I’m rethinking things because of all the things I’m juggling. I never thought I’d be a stay-at-home mom. Never. That was until I was laid off for the second time and miraculously became pregnant with lil man. It was difficult finding a job and I didn’t want to…
What Does an Amniocentesis do for You?
Earlier this month, I went in for an amniocentesis aka amnio. We didn’t have one done when we were pregnant with lil man, but after two rounds of initial test results from an ultrasound and bloodwork, our OBGYN recommended it for lil lady. Our down syndrome risk was 1 out of 63. Lil man was only 1 out of 316 or so. Even at 1 out of 63, it’s a 2% risk, but my OBGYN was concerned about our labor. Should the baby have down syndrome, it would be good to know in case we have complications during our labor. So, we elected to have the amnio done. Besides down…
Where the Heck Have I Been?
I feel as though I’m writing another post about my absence since the last post I did was also about me being MIA nearly two months ago. But I really felt I needed to explain where I’ve been the last two months. The short of it is, in March we took a long trip to London and Paris. I had grand plans of daily blogging about our trip with photos and all, but it turned out the flat we rented didn’t have any internet connection what-s0-ever. I even tried to squat (with a purchase) at three different Starbucks for their free wifi, but my ipad just wouldn’t pick up the…
Heading to London & Paris!
Haven’t written much and I probably should have been more excited about the trip before now… I’m finally making my way to London and Paris! It’s been a trip in the making for the last four years. Was supposed to go in 2008 and 2009 to visit our friends, but then lil man arrived and I couldn’t fly. So, tomorrow… in 18 hours, I’ll be on my flight taking off to London! I’ve been planning the trip the last three weeks and only just now finished packing. So, I’m finally feeling the excitement. And can’t believe I’M FINALLY GOING TO LONDON! We”ll stop into Paris also for a few days…excited…