social good

Texting and Driving: It Can Wait Pledge and Giveaway

The last couple months, I’ve noticed an increase in people taking a pledge to not text and drive. It trigged a thought in my mind and I started thinking about what I do when I’m driving.

I have two small children. Life has become about them and not much else. Hubs and I have even discussed what would happen if we passed away suddenly. Who would take care of them?

There are so many factors in life I can think about, and I can’t control when I might leave this world, but I can control NOT contributing to the dangers that might take my life. So, last month, I decided to turn off my cell data whenever I get into the car. This helps minimize distractions from my phone while I’m driving.

A few weeks later, I received an email from about the “It Can Wait” program. As it turns out, this is the same program for the reason behind the influx in pledges I saw of people pledging not to text and drive.

The “It Can Wait” initiative focuses on educating people about the dangers of texting and driving. Many people think there’s no harm with picking up the phone and sending a quick text while driving, but any second you take your eyes off the road is an increased risk to an accident. One moment you’re driving straight on the road, then you look down at your phone and when you look up, the car in front of you has skid to a stop or a person ran right in front of your car. It’s that quick.

Drivers who text while driving are 23 times more likely to be in a crash.

There are a 100 reasons It Can Wait…. You can see the Pinterest board

Take the Pledge today… Don’t text and drive… it can wait.

It Can Wait Pledge button

Because everyone has at least one reason to take the Pledge. Mine are aged three and one. What’s yours?

A week after I took the “It Can Wait” pledge, the “It Can Wait” representative who contacted me told me she wanted to send me two AT&T BlackBerry Q10s. One for me to test and the other to give to someone else who takes the Pledge and shares about the movement, but since I don’t use AT&T wireless service, I’ll be giving away both phones.

Spread the word about the Pledge by pinning, instagramming, facebooking and/or tweeting the button above then share your reasons in the comments below. Then enter the rafflecopter giveaway below for a “It Can Wait” BlackBerry Q10® prize pack (phone, t-shirt, magnet, bag) from AT&T from now thru September 6, 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

It Can Wait Pledge Prize Pack

For more info, check out the “It Can Wait” website

If you want to download the kit or get the info to your local news, head to this site here:

Disclaimer: Prize pack provided by AT&T. Winner will be contacted at end of raffle time period. Winner will need to provide address for package to be shipped. Prize pack will be shipped via USPS Priority.


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