Cancer Sucks
I’m no stranger to cancer. I’m not a survivor of any cancer form, but many men and women in my life are. My aunt, my moms friends, my step-mom, my friends fathers, uncles, moms and aunts and yes, even children … the list goes on. With exception to one uncle, so far I’ve been fortunate to have many survivors remain in my life. Today, I found out the wife of a colleague was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although I’ve not known my colleague long and have never met his wife, I’m very saddened by this news. I know the road they are going down now that they have discovered this…
Texting and Driving: It Can Wait Pledge and Giveaway
The last couple months, I’ve noticed an increase in people taking a pledge to not text and drive. It trigged a thought in my mind and I started thinking about what I do when I’m driving. I have two small children. Life has become about them and not much else. Hubs and I have even discussed what would happen if we passed away suddenly. Who would take care of them? There are so many factors in life I can think about, and I can’t control when I might leave this world, but I can control NOT contributing to the dangers that might take my life. So, last month, I decided to turn…
I Choose to Thrive Mantra
I choose to THRIVE! This is my mantra because freeing my life from negativity will allow me to live life positively. This means removing negativity altogether from thoughts to people to surroundings. In doing so, I enable my mind, heart and soul to live life to it’s fullest potential and also help those around me do the same. This is my Thrive Mantra and I share this mantra with the world along with other Inspiring Moms who are participating in the Live Your Full Potential campaign through Inspiring Social Media network.
Enjoy the Jersey Shore thru #JerseyLove
It’s been two weeks now since I’ve been back from the Jersey Shore and I’m in total withdrawal. Why? Because I miss my #JerseyLove peeps! For four days, my online community of fellow bloggers came together for social good to help New Jersey tourism. I actually can’t believe it was two weeks ago that I joined over 40 wonderful women down the Shore for our “Jersey Love Social Media for Social Good” Social Media Moms retreat. How did JerseyLove come about? We all know about Hurricane Sandy and how it devasted our state. Scores of homes lost and people displaced. Small businesses closing. The results? People crossing off the Jersey Shore from…
Social Good: #JerseyLove with Social Media Moms & NJ Digital Moms – D6 Surfskimmer Twitter Party
I am so excited. I cannot believe June 6th is almost here! June 6th… that’s the day I’m heading down the Shore to participate in the most amazing Social Good program – #JerseyLove. If you didn’t have a chance to catch that post, #JerseyLove is a four day social good retreat bring together two amazing groups of moms – Social Media Moms and New Jersey Digital Moms. This weekend, 40 of us will be down the Shore tweeting the heck out of the twitter hashtag #JerseyLove in our effort to promote tourism for the Jersey Shore community that was hit by Hurricane Sandy. During our trip, we’ll be visiting all…
National Preeclampsia Awareness Month
Did you know that May is National Preeclampsia Awareness Month? Preeclampsia is not a typical thought that comes to mind when it comes to pregnancy and motherhood, but for those who are affected by it, the May is the one time we can focus and share with people what preeclampsia is about and how it affects some women. We mothers are so used to being the nurturers and caregivers that very often we make light of what we are feeling in order to continue on with the routine. So when I woke up 6 days after my c-section unable to catch my breath, with blurry vision and a dull headache…
Boston We Love You
Our hearts go out to the families affected in Boston by this terrible and senseless violence. New York and New Jersey are here for you Boston. Photo from the Boston, Massachusetts Facebook Page
Jersey Love with New Jersey Digital Moms and Social Media Moms
I neglected my blog in March, but I have a really good reason for that. Amazing things happened in March for my family and me. From signing on a new client and getting involved with Lady and The Blog to starting the kids in daycare, it was a very hectic month of fantastic changes. Now, that life is back in track with a new schedule, I’m back on this blog sharing. To kick off the month, I want to share about a fabulous group I’m a proud member of, the New Jersey Digital Moms. I’ve mentioned the group here and there before in the past and I promise I’ll do a dedicated and more…
10 Life Lessons I Learned From A Bug’s Life
My lil man and I really enjoy watching Disney Pixar A Bug’s Life. He loves watching it over and over. During the course of the repeated watching, I decided to put together this list of 10 Things I Learned from A Bug’s Life: One mistake can lead to a future of success Gaps happen – keep walking Open your mind to change It’s ok to ask for help Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion even if you don’t like theirs A team without focus will accomplish nothing Bigger is not always better Assumptions can cause unnecessary conflict If you don’t leave your comfort zone you won’t discover your full potential…
5 Cute Valentine’s Day Tutorials for Kids
Valentine’s Day is coming up. What better way to spend the day than to do some crafts with your kids to decorate the house with love. Here are 5 cute Valentine’s Day tutorials that are easy to do with your kids: Two tutorials from How About Orange. Love her blog. Fabric Valentine heart garland and paper heart garland. Paper heart chain from Strumpets Crumpets, crayon hearts from Martha Stewart and adorable foxy valentine favors from P.S. Blog. Have fun! Do you have some Valentine’s Day tutorials to share? Leave a link in the comments. I’d love to see them and pin them to my Valentine’s Day pinterest board.